Comparison of Bureaucratic and Non Bureaucratic Organisation


In the later eighteenth century, commercial revolution brought so many issues for the organizations for the ways in which work was organized and manage. Most of the firm whether its small or large has its business guidelines that lays the building blocks of any corporation and its all depends upon the dog owner or top degree of the business that how to use these principles. Any group is split into two classes

  • Bureaucratic Organization
  • Non - Bureaucratic Organization

In order to control activity, Bureaucracy is the combined structure, policies, types of procedures, protocols and restrictions, usually in the top organizations. A bureaucracy does not make coverage but, somewhat, enacts it. Normally a command usually generates law, policy and rules. A bureaucracy is immediately liable to the control that creates it, such as executive or board of directors.

Definition of Bureaucracy

"A well - defined section of administrative labour among persons and office buildings"

"Formal and casual networks that links organizational actors to one another through flows of information and patterns of cooperation"

(Nicos. M: 2003)

Basically 'Bureau 'is a French expression which means table, an office so bureaucracy is rule through workplace or office which in turn is the proper execution of a business which is based on the research and dispatch of written documents.

Max Weber observed Capitalism as a rational way to manage the actions of an organization that the decisions manufactured in the good way to business in the form of profit. So it was the concerns of rules that are affected by efficiency which mean that by using the minimum suggestions (resources) produce the maximum output (income).

(Weber M, Owen S. David, Strong B. T: 2004),

Bureaucracy was seen as a competence, consistency and impersonality. Power of the officials that needs to be published guidelines and rules of practices in writing. " In Bureaucracy the structure of company is a continuous hierarchy where each level is control by the above level. Each level has its own duties and competence plainly identified to them.

So bureaucracy is a normal style of structure which is used throughout the organization by the pre identified set of guidelines and procedures. These are followed by age ranges and no have a tendency to change.

By Colin Hales (1993) the main weakness of the bureaucratic group is the resistance to change and sometimes the incorrect decisions are imposed to the long hierarchy. However regarding to Nicos P. Mouzelis (1968) "Bureaucratic supervision means fundamentally the exercise of control based on knowledge. " So in bureaucratic organization there's a proper device of understanding of how to work and control the procedures of company.

On the other hands, non bureaucratic corporation is a kind of informal organizational framework which lacks the precise structures, policies, strategies and measurements of centralization. Quite simply it suits to the small or medium size of organizations that are new with the wholly centralized control. In this type of an organization the leader is solely accountable for making all the majors decisions of the business and the subordinates are need to follows that decisions. It offers more flexibility in its operation environment

Basically the leader has the command line to keep all the operations of the business. In this type if composition the best usage of human resources and motivational level are high giving them rewards and liked by the bigger degree of management. It's the best structure for those who have started out fro scrape for the progress and development of a business.

Comparison of Bureaucratic and Non Bureaucratic Organisations:

The Design of bureaucratic group has completely different composition as compare to the non bureaucratic organizations. The bureaucratic style is preferred because of its technical style of administration but also for the new and small and medium size organizations no bureaucratic style is most popular.

Here are evaluations between these two:


Bureaucratic style is more well suited for large organization but also for new small and medium size organization the non bureaucratic style is more suitable

Utilization of Recruiting:

In the non bureaucratic the human resources are more effectively and efficiently employed by the organization as compare to the other style.

Creativity and Innovation:

As the non bureaucratic organizations is more versatile environment so the more chances o creativeness and innovation is non bureaucratic as compare to bureaucratic organizations. (Stamm V B: 2008),

Operational control:

In the bureaucratic organizations the control order for operations are distributed while in non bureaucratic there is a centralised control of control for the procedures of the organization.

Time Cutting down:

In bureaucratic organizations you can find very long string of command so when the order is distributed by the higher authority from top to down level it takes additional time to communicate while in the non bureaucratic immediate orders are given from the higher expert to the subordinates to be able to have the spontaneous response. It requires less time and additional time to work is committed.

Motivational level:

The level of motivation is very high in non bureaucratic style because the immediate orders are given from the top level and even more rewards and gratitude is given by more impressive range to the subordinates straight while in bureaucratic style the very best level has hardly ever communicate directly to the subordinates. (Sapru R. K: 2006)


Non bureaucratic composition is more volatile as compare to the bureaucratic framework.

Communication and plans and methods:

In bureaucratic there exists poor degree of communication while in non bureaucratic the level of communication and transferring information from top to down is much quicker and faster. However, In bureaucratic style there are written documents of procedures and procedures and if any problem comes they can handle it by using that procedures and procedures although it is absent in non bureaucratic organization.

As in bureaucratic organizations there tend to be policies and procedures which are followed by the employees plus they feel no flexibility and less motivated environment as compare to on bureaucratic organizations where people will be more motivated and better to make the organization more lucrative.

Preferred Company:

As discuss earlier that the non bureaucratic corporation style is more well suited for small and medium sized organization while for higher or big organizations the bureaucratic style is more desirable. While I have seen that in non bureaucratic style the flexibility of work, communication from top to down and motivational degree of the employees are high so they chase easily chase the goal of the organization. However every company has its style and composition which is not easy to choose for a particular organization whatever structure is most beneficial to them.

After critical research I'll choose non bureaucratic style because the motivational factor involved with it is the key point for my organization and as desire brings development and creative imagination in the organization.

As in 1995 Herzberg says

During work the various factors which inspire people and different from those which create dissatisfaction"

**"The factors that are usually involved with performing related to job satisfier while the factors which explain the job framework usually relates the work dissatisfies". **

Advantages and Negatives:

Every corporation has its own style and every style has its own advantages and disadvantages. So they are as follows:

Advantages of Non-Bureaucratic Group:

Non bureaucratic firm style is more versatile and easy to look at the changes in virtually any firm. As the power has immediate communication to the subordinates so the fast communication makes the response quicker and efficient. There is no long chain of command line which saves enough time and efficient use of recruiting at its potential.

Employees are more stimulated by rewards and gratitude by the higher authorities straight which bring the creativity and creativity in virtually any organization as the decision and working environmental tend to be more versatile so more quicker to look at the global changes which keeps the employees more responsive and dependable to run after the organizational goals.

As there is no long hierarchy so any worker can be given work with no time period limit and position burden. Therefore the employees can take their own initiatives and make decision to be able to complete the duty without waiting the bigger authority authorization.

Disadvantages of non-Bureaucratic Group:

The main disadvantage is usually that the framework is very casual there are not any hard and fast rules, plans and types of procedures in the written form. There is certainly lack of standardisation therefore the problems come up in the organization on the same issues cannot be solved therefore the workforce are involved to place their input to solve the trouble.

As the centralisation of order of control make the employees to hinge only at the top authority or one person to fulfil the businesses or duties of the business. However every new small and medium corporation will look ahead to be widening in the future which means this non-bureaucratic style should be became the bureaucratic style in order to handle the tasks and procedures of the business in far better and successful way. Because of the absence of proper types of procedures and insurance policies in the written form sometimes it's very hard for the business to fulfil the requirements.


According if you ask me the non bureaucratic style has some edge over the original bureaucratic style as it is more adaptable and easy to look at changes in this modern style of age. Although every corporation has aits own composition relating to its requirements and size. Even though non bureaucratic has some drawbacks like insufficient standardisation and lack of written insurance policies and procedures but still it is suited to the small and medium size organizations.

However while choosing the style of a business it's all depend on the type and size and the main operations which is carried out by the business. At the end every non bureaucratic is become bureaucratic as it increases and get more market stocks. So in the beginning of any new business the non bureaucratic style is followed while it broaden than there should be written rules, procedures and procedures which should be followed by the employees in order to solve the issues and also to attain the major goals and goals of any organization.

This is an environment of changes and future is uncertain so there should be some kind of creativity and imagination in the organization and its workforce should be satisfied with their work level and responsibilities. Thus the main purpose is to bag the organization's objectives and goals whether it is bureaucratic or non bureaucratic in style because both have their own benefits and drawbacks.

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