How Liberalism ideology relates to social work

How Liberalism ideology pertains to cultural work practice

The annals and impact of Liberalism is a sophisticated concern, and understanding cultural work practice entails penetrating an enormous nexus of theoretical and practical socio-political factors. Nevertheless, dealing with the specific question of how Liberalism relates to interpersonal work practice unveils important and distinct points for discussion. In this essay I will put together the historical advancements of Liberalism and focus on the core values and how they influence interpersonal work. I try to argue that revealing the liberal ideological values inherent in communal work starts up latent tensions to debate. The tensions in liberal politics theory and the concomitant problems for cultural work don't call for abandonment of Liberalism ideology because it has as its basis the correct convenience of renewal. These debates should energize reappraisal and reform and increase our capacity to influence the social, political and economic determinants of sociable care. This is achieved scheduled to - not in spite of - the root key points of Liberalism.

The historical development of Liberalism

While the editors of the Spanish Constitution in 1812 were the first ever to use the noun liberal in a political sense, the war of independence in America set up the first nation to craft a constitution predicated on Liberalism. This new creed originated in the political philosophy of the prior three hundred years. Liberalism surfaced from the break down of feudalism, the development of market capitalism and the climb of the middle class. Liberals sought to expose the immorality of authoritarianism and limit authorities powers to be able to safeguard civil liberties.

Where early on Liberals sought total non-intervention, modern liberals endorse engaged governance on issues such as welfare, education and health care. This has resulted in a split between the early traditional Liberalism and the modern form which dominates modern politics today. Nevertheless, classical and modern Liberalism talk about core values which indicate underlying concepts. These key points perpetuate every aspect of modern life in Traditional western political systems. Ideas such as individualism, tolerance and financial freedom are central to the european political ideology in our times.

The core beliefs of Liberalism

'As politics beings it is our business to free real human life from as many as possible of its difficulties' (Mill Guidelines of political viewpoint in collected works II p. 943)

Liberalism holds that individuals will be the locus of moral account, and securing individual flexibility is paramount. An extreme form of liberal individualism; atomism contains that the individual is central to socio-political theory or practice, ontologically prior to population, egotistic, personal seeking and do it yourself reliant. Modern Liberalism has a far more positive bent in its knowledge of interpersonal responsibility and shared admiration. Political Liberalism strains the social contract[1], under which people make the laws and consent to abide by those laws. It really is based on the belief that individuals know best what's best for them. This is the quality theme of liberal ideology, and ideas of justice and flexibility stem from the primacy of the average person.

Rationalism[2] greatly influenced the liberal concept of an individual. The thought of a rational man was an important precursor to communal non-intervention, as the logical man is with the capacity of defining and going after his own route in society, rendering the thought of a paternal federal needless. Modern liberals appreciate the inequality of self applied reliance and seek to reach a balance between involvement and decentralisation.

The focus on and openness to reason in liberal societies emanates from the many dichotomies at its center: On one hand natural man is seen as rational and socially mindful, while on the other egotistic and selfish. One the one hand men are capable on the other needy. This pressure in Liberalism is reflected by the actual fact that is has fulfilled with discussion, argument and argument since its inception. A determination to provide reasoned explanations because of its theories is central to liberal ideology.

Liberalism favours natural government, for the reason that it isn't for the state of hawaii to determine personal principles. As John Rawls input it in his Theory of Justice, 'The point out has no to determine a particular conception of the nice life' (Rawls 1999). The thought of the nice life has been used in political viewpoint to denote a plan of action the rational man calls for when in favourable politics circumstances. Rawls argues that liberal governments should provide these favourable conditions but never try to dictate how individuals is going about the acquisition of enjoyment. This idea of neutrality is closely linked to tolerance, and specifically the willingness to celebrate political and religious variety.

Since the improvements in economics in the later 18th century Liberals have pressured the value of a free markets, and seek to limit government intervention in home economy and overseas trade. In Andrew Heywood's words the interest of traditional economics to liberal ideology 'was that, although every individual is materially self-interested, the current economic climate itself is though to use according to a set of impersonal pressures - market causes - that have a tendency naturally to promote economic success and wellness. ' (Heywood 1987) Modern liberals support authorities responsibility for health, education, and alleviating poverty yet still call for a market based on indie exchange and tend to have confidence in decentralisation.

The central tenets of modern Liberalism are the primacy of the individual, freedom, tolerance, a committed action to reason and question, and a free-market economy. Liberalism is egalitarian; predicated on ideas of democracy, classlessness, equality and openness, and is also antonymous to oppressive and tyrannical authoritarianism. Liberalism advocates civil rights for any citizens: establishing justice though the security and privileges of personal liberty. It includes the equivalent treatment of all citizens irrespective of race, gender and class. These center beliefs directly impact much of daily life, but we will focus on the implications for the practice of public work.

Social work and Liberal ideology

Social work is a willpower involving the program of social theory and research methods to societal problems. It comes with and uses other social sciences and political philosophy as a means to increase the human condition and positively change society's respond to these problems, through understanding and performing upon their triggers, solutions and human impacts.

What takes its communal problem? And what constitutes a way to a public problem? In the western world the answers to these questions stem from governmental insurance policy predicated on the principles of Liberalism. In a modern liberal modern culture a cultural problem is one which contradicts the central liberal principles. A solution is that which removes the limitations to people flourishing. Therefore ideology implicit in societal interactions effects what we realize as interpersonal problems and alternatives.

Poverty and alienation are profound social problems and major causes of troubled in modern society. Taking poverty, Liberalism ideology thinks that every person must have the freedom to succeed economically, and not reside in poverty. We've seen already that while early Liberals emphasised non-intervention, modern liberals endorse more engaged governance on issues such as welfare. This shows a central stress in the sensible applicability of Liberalism ideology outlined by Maureen Ramsey in her book what's wrong with Liberalism? 'Since both kinds of Liberalism endorse private possession, the economical redistribution necessary to take on poverty will inevitable infringe particular individual protection under the law to liberty' (1997, pg66). The emphasis on individual liberty and improvement in the centre of liberal capitalist economies has been accused of perpetuating this pressure. Furthermore, welfare as a thought contradicts the moral neutrality that is central to the rule of tolerance in Liberalism. By giving a variety of services designed to bring about the public good the state is making judgements in what is good, beyond the personal seeking satisfaction of subjective wants. This leads Ramsey to conclude that 'the provision of welfare [is] at chances with basic liberal assumptions' (pg, 66).

Examples from public work where the right to avoid poverty has been restricted could include a daughter being placed back from going to university to work on her behalf parents, or a better half not being allowed to work. Social workers' ability to address these problems is inspired by the original liberal distinction between the community and the private spheres by which liberal government authorities should only function in the public sphere, excluding the activities of family life. Modern liberals attempt to attack a balance between intervention and non intervention. However, because of the tensions regarding the private sphere, political neutrality and accountability, this balance remains problematic. Many trust Pateman these restrictions render care inadequate and the regions of public work that can package with poverty are too limited. [3] 'Specifically because Liberalism conceptualises civil modern culture in abstraction from ascriptive local life, the latter remains ignored. ' (Pateman, 1987 p. 107)

The liberal legacy of limited involvement and reason has led to an often incapacitating caution concerning sociable work, even in a lot more extreme areas of its application. Taking the types of 'baby p' and Victoria Climbie the communal services have been accused to be too positive about the intentions of residents and absent the signs which could have helped them avoid such awful tragedies. [4] However, intuitions support the distance between your private and the public spheres. The idea of children being recinded off their parents is invariably seen as a final resort, a relaxation of this attitude may have preserved many children, but it could also create other terrible situations in which children are recinded from good households. It would demand more treatment and attention to complex detail than necessary for our purposes here to question the role of politics ideology in these awful events.

Alienation is another complicated concern facing modern liberal world. Liberal ideology does not have a core belief linked with the negativity of isolation because of a knowledge of human nature that emphasises the priority of the average person. This is regarded as a deficiency as many carry that the intuitions made by Liberalism have produced a situation where individuals have shallower relationships with other people than they might normally. This, it is argued, causes challenges in understanding and adapting to each other's uniqueness. This factors to some other of the tensions within Liberalism: it promotes tolerance but through its emphasis on individual freedom motivates isolation. Many sociologists are concerned about the alienating effects of modernization, explaining how associations become mediated through money because economic freedom is known as an essential component of individual liberty. This has also been accused of adding to the loss of primary human relationships such as familial bonds in favour of goal oriented secondary relationships.

The principles of the private sphere, specific independence, tolerance and political neutrality greatly have an effect on what we consider to be within the role of the social worker. The balance between treatment and personal independence rests as precariously now as any moment since Mill. Free market capitalism is at its weakest in ages, presenting new impetus to the fee that economic Liberalism is guilty of creating a far more selfish society where in fact the quest for personal prosperity is more destructive that constructive.

Is liberal ideology repressive?

Liberalism is accused of repressing strengths of human nature. To call Liberal ideology repressive though, is extreme. Liberalism allows for repressive forces to emerge due to its emphasis on individual liberty and flexibility of conversation and thought, but allowing repressive tendencies to emerge is not adhering to them, and liberal societies should not be blamed for the emergence of choice ideologies within them. Sociable and commercial responsibility are genuine choices in liberal world and are common in modern liberal theory.

There are issues with Liberalism, but It is suggested they don't serve as areas of a repressive ideology. We must remember that Liberalism emerged from the compassionate desire to eliminate authoritarian rule in order to secure flexibility for every man. That is a noble aspiration with compassion for everyone at its key. As industrialisation and free market economies took over, the role of welfare in liberal state governments became important due to same dreams, to help every single person in a society. The differ from non-intervention to involvement evidences the declare that ideologies have to adapt to contexts, and this is where Liberalism has a distinctive quality, a deep convenience of renewal. The typical versus modern Liberalism issue could only appear in the climate of discussion question and argument that defined the rationalist movements. The tensions in Liberalism were inherited out of this theoretical foundation and have maintained their convenience of renewal. The tensions in Liberalism echo the scope for continual reappraisal, it isn't dogmatic, and is also open to general population scrutiny through the democratic process. Issues are being made and paid attention to within liberal population. For instance, the Public liberals[5] created scepticism concerning the idea of free markets, witnessing unrestricted trade as leading to the development of multi-national companies and the focus of wealth and power in the hands of the few, viewed as contradicting the intent of liberty for all those.

These socially in charge tendencies aren't entirely new editions to liberal theory and in truth are latent in politics Liberalism. While the early on Liberals like Locke saw liberty as an all natural right, Liberalism has never performed that the entitlement to freedom is total. In On Liberty ([1859] 1972, p. 73) Mill argued that 'electricity can be rightfully exercised over any person in a civilised community. . . [If it]. . . is to avoid damage from others'. Liberalism emerged as a move away from blind adherence to political dogma based on static views of your divine ordered simple fact, towards a medical and compassionate concern for every resident. To conclude that Liberalism must involve repression is high given the underlying desire to are a symbol of the opposite.


The practice of communal work in modern liberal culture rests on liberal principles. By seeking the connections between social work and Liberalism ideology, we have seen how sensible cultural knowledge is affected by liberal philosophical assumptions. These central tenets of Liberalism are liberty, tolerance, and a free-market economy. These core beliefs affect every area of interpersonal life, including sociable work. The tensions that permeate the routines of liberal government authorities are present in the field of communal work and valuable indicators of the complexity of the problems social staff face. Crucially, they are simply open to reform.

There are profound cultural problems in liberal modern culture, of which poverty and alienation are paramount. What we should can learn from these problems is the fact if Liberalism will flourish in its aspirations it needs to extend its scope to include more cultural and corporate responsibility, and a larger understanding of community. The focus on the individual, especially in the monetary make of Liberalism, can repress areas of human character that appear central to the compassion and egalitarianism that encouraged the creation of liberal theories. If empathy and attention are a consequence of our social character then we need a merchant account of the individual as interdependent, opposed to the atomised specific of common liberal theory.

The tensions in liberal politics theory and the concomitant problems for social work don't demand abandonment of Liberalism ideology since it has as its basis the appropriate mechanisms to progress: democracy and education, the capability for renewal and the compassionate aspiration to secure liberty. They call for reappraisal and reform.


Political Ideologies an advantages Heywood, Andrew. Palgrave 1992

Liberalism and modern society Bellamy, Richard. Polity press 1992

What's wrong with Liberalism Ramsay, Maureen. Leicester School Press 1997

A Theory of Justice revised model Rawls, John. OUP 1999

After Virtue MacIntyre, Alasdair. Duckworth 1981

Feminist critiques of the open public/private dichotomy in Feminism and inequality Phillips A (ed) Blackwell 1987.





[1] Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan noticed the first use of the sociable contract.

[2] In its broadest sense rationalism is any view appealing to reason as a source of knowledge or justification. Here it denotes the enlightenment philosophical movement of Hume Kant etc.

[3] Such as income assistance and job training/position.

[4] The GMC reviewed the role of Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, who examined Baby P two days before his loss of life has been accused of failing to spot his injuries, and three council employees received written warnings about their actions. Source: Haringey Council Internal Audit - SEVERE CASE Review. Haringey Council (2008-11-12).

[5] In Britain, in the past due nineteenth century and early on twentieth century, a group of thinkers known as the sociable or new liberals who included John Stuart Mill, argued that the poverty and ignorance people lived in made it impossible for freedom and personality to flourish. They thought these conditions could be ameliorated only through collective action coordinated by a strong welfare-oriented interventionist talk about.

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