Limitations of Qualitative Research

Keywords: constraints of quantitative research

Discuss The Talents And Limitations Of Quantitative And Qualitative Data In Encouraging Knowledge Claims INSIDE THE Human Sciences And At Least One Other SECTION OF Knowledge.

"There is no such thing as qualitative data.

Everything is either 1 or 0"(Fred Kerlinger)

"All research eventually has a qualitative grounding"(Donald Campbell)

Based on what Kerlinger and Campbell said, we can see different position of views on quantitative data and qualitative data. From Kerlinger details of view, he turned down qualitative data totally but Donald in the other side said that the essential of all research is qualitative data. One question occurs is why do this two contradict views happened? Before answering the question, a depth understanding on how this two data works should be done at the first place. When we think about quantitative data, immediately our powerful photographic remembrances will recall everything that deals with statistics such as elevation, weight and so many more. When the term qualitative data comes across our head, we will think about something are descriptive such as colorings, beauty etc. Qualitative data can be obtained by the qualitative research which might save the researcher from making incorrect assumptions as they proceed to design another stage with their work.

What is the significant of this two data in individuals lives? Essentially, quantitative data and qualitative data information are research to aid one's claim. With no existence of the two data, the validity of a study is unacceptable because of there are no research to aid the claims. Through the use of our good sense, ask ourselves, can we immediately consider something is reported to be true without the supporting data? The answer is strictly no. To answer the first question, the contradiction of views take place is due to the talents and constraints of both data. Therefore, to obtain a clear view on how do these quantitative and qualitative data are being used as the promoting evidence, we will discuss in this in the perspective of human knowledge. Human science is approximately same universal principles, processes and patterns govern and underlie human being activities in different domains such as psychology, social and ethnic anthropology, economic and so many more.

Dealing with human being is never heading to be an easy task because real human are very sophisticated. The complexities of the human being has lead to the a new branch of technology which is individuals science to be able to review the patterns of human. Among the behavior that is crucial to be passed on from one era to other era of individual is politeness. Reader' Digest has arrived with a rating of the most courteous to minimal courteous city in the its January 2008 article. New york, USA was crowned to be the most courteous. On what basis does Reader's Digest journal arrived with this standing ?

To create this positioning, Reader's Digest journal team has setup a test called Politeness Test to show the reality behind a assertion created by Lynne Truss, an author of bestselling book "Talk to the Palm" which was 70 percent folks people are ruder now than they were 20 years previously. To assess politeness of a human being is a challenging activity. However, there's always a way to measure it. The simplest way to measure this is by naturalistic observational method. To apply this technique, the reporter of the Reader's Break down magazine had setup three checks and one of these was "document drops" (who would help them retrieve a pile of "accidently" dropped paperwork) For steadiness, Starbucks Coffee shop was chosen to be the venue of the test. By watching the behavior of the New Yorkers who moved into the restaurant, many perceptions were made by the reporters. For instance, people who was simply willing to pick up the "accidently " decreased document was considered as people who acquired courtesy.

The question is, from what amount this qualitative data from the naturalistic observation method is enough enough to establish the rank? The qualitative data is valid because the largest strength of the method is it shows natural situation. The realism of qualitative data can be obtained because the observer cannot easily change or present a fresh stimuli into the situation. However, the major weakness of this method is the chance of biasness of the observer. Through the observation, the reporter of Reader's Break down newspaper might be influenced by sentiment when watching the rudeness of people. Therefore, this will lead to the shortcoming to draw a correct realization of the observation.

However, to make the politeness test more valid, we desire a group of quantitative data to support the qualitative data. The quantitative data can be acquired by creating a corelational research. This research is organized by introducing two variables and exactly how they interrelated. Therefore a statistical model is carried out to prove the relation between two variables. For example, allow parameters be " amount of who lift in the data file" and " the level of courtesy" and test whether they are independent or dependent for each sample taken from a sample people of New Yorkers. The information data in varieties of percentage will give a strong basic to support the Reader's Process Politeness Test. Since politeness is a very subjective matter, this quantitative data also cannot stand alone. Hence both data are needed in encouraging this case.

2008 is the entire year where economic problems hit the world. The developed countries were facing crisis due to many business were required to shut down due to stagnant falling of demand since people managed the expenses. Throughout the market pattern, the economist predicted that recession will hit for eleven months in a decade. However, this prediction is inaccurate because recent recession hit overall economy only in five a few months. This appear because economist is in expectation and future is uncertainties. During monetary recession, exports and imports of business are slowed down and the united states will experience higher rate of unemployment. For the poor country, the recession provided a large impact such as increase in the rate of poverty since many labors were dismissed. From physicality aspect, we can observe how thin the people in the poor country when economic recession hits the planet.

However, this qualitative data is insufficient to support the current economic climate recession. Therefore, in order to make the say more strong, quantitative data must be from example, correlation method where two factors which are demand and offer are used. The relationship between both variables shows a clear picture of the world's overall economy. The lower the demand, the lower the supply implies that demand is directly proportional supply. This will lead to reasoning part to explain why the demand is slipping or increasing. So things will fall in the right place the reason has been justified by reasoning.

Nowadays, we've seen the introduction of the personality test online. Most of the current personality ideas concern on the identification and measurement of the precise personality. (Zuckerman, Eysenck, & Eysenck 1978 ). Let's check out personality test which is more valid. For example, Dr Campbell, a researcher on the human behavior from School of Michigan completed a personality research which ion introversion and extroversion. People might say it is straightforward to distinguish those who are introverts and extroverts based on just how they communicate with the contemporary society. Yes, it is true that we can distinguish the introverts and extroverts by watching their communication skill, self-assurance level, the way they walk and so forth. People can simply percept others predicated on their attitude and this kind of frame of mind is considered as qualitative data. Again, there could be biasness in judging people.

Therefore, Dr Campbell used theoretical treatments of introversion and extroversion to be able to support the qualitative data. He applied the corelational method. He arrived with two parameters " introversion/extroversion" and "experience seeking". A sample of his college or university students received a personality size wish measures the partnership of the factors. Based on the theory, extroverts should look for external stimulation whilst the introverts seek the interior stimulation. To visualize the associations, he used Eysenck Personality Inventory and Zuckerman's experience seeking scales to be able to plot the info. From there, a quantitative data can be acquired to distinguish to aid the qualitative data. However, the test is too objective and there might be alternatives that the sample of college or university students did not do the test seriously.

Art demands a crucial thinking for us never to be easily swept away along unthinkingly into its pleasures or reject it as an understanding. In creating the thoughts and beliefs, the arts certainly do not avoid knowledge promises. For instance, Leonardo's famous Vitruvian man attracting represents standard physicality of your human being. What's meant by standard physicality of human being? From observation method, we know a normal individual will have two hands, two lower limbs a head etc. Individual is a unique creature and therefore we have to explore the whole individual by using our critical and creative thinking. This Vitruvian man drawing has all characteristics of a normal human being. This plays a part in the qualitative data. Different individual has different lengths of hands, hip and legs and so on. Does this reason enough to prove the uniqueness of a human being? Leonardo Da Vinci was the first person who look the uniqueness of from different viewpoint.

The Vitruvian man attracting portrays the standard proportion of human body. It was the version produced by Leonardo Da Vinci, who have a vast knowledge of both anatomy and geometry made him exclusively suited to the duty. Leonardo's famous drawings of the Vitruvian proportions of the man's body first status inscribed in a square and then with feet and biceps and triceps outspread inscribed in a group. By using reasoning, he provides the simplest illustrations on shifting the "center of the magnitude" without a matching change of the "centre of the standard gravity". This remains passing through the central lines from the pit of the throat through the umbilicus and pubis between the legs. Leonardo regularly distinguishes these two different 'centers' of the body, which is the centers of 'magnitude' and 'gravity (Keele 252). " The 'important' way of measuring 24 hands comes directly from Vitruvius' classification of human level being 4 cubits or 24 hands. This quantitative data is a strong evidence to support the declare that human beings are unique. Sometimes the art themselves aren't the truth but it leads us to the reality.

Dancing is an integral part of art. It is indisputable dancing has its way of brightening up the individuals day. In the aspect of health, dancing provides significant impact in reducing stress and depression. For instance, a person gets into a dancing studio room after facing a problem will have a brighter smile after moving away from the studio. To ascertain whether our understanding is true, we can perform an interview to be able to obtain home report from that particular person. Many questions can be asked such as "how will you feel after dancing?"and so forth. From his response, we come out with understanding that he is stress free. However, this technique is going to give us a weak qualitative data to be able to aid the lay claim. The interviewer might be bias through the interview period.

Therefore, to justify the claim that dance contributes in minimizing stress and depression, an test can be carried out. The effectiveness of the technique is we've full expert in controlling our variables. For example, our variable is "amount of party" and "the number of anti depressant pills taken". First of all, a sample of men and women who come problematic background has to be chosen. The hypothesis is, the more dancing, the lower amount anti depressant pills are being used. A statistical data can be obtained to support the case. Hence, the validity of the of the case saying that dance can reduce stress is justifiable.

Based on the justification above, I figured qualitative data and quantitative data play important functions on supporting the data claims in individual science and skill. Some of the boasts required both qualitative and quantitative data in order to support the statements. Although both of data have their own talents and limitations, these are complementary one another to be able to justify the every single things and incidents that occurs inside our lives. I respect both views from Fred Kerlinger and Donald Campbell because both of the views are right and applicable inside our daily lives. There is absolutely no right or wrong on both views. It depends on situation in order to work with qualitative data or quantitative data to aid our knowledge cases.


writing. colostate. edu/courses/research/observe/com2d3. cfm " Qualitative vs Quantitative Research"

writing. colostate. edu/guides/research/observe/com2d3. cfm " Qualitative vs Quantitative Research"

Toby Murcott ; "Alternative drugs on trial?";2005;NY;Macmillan;(page 97)

www. rd. com/living-healthy/good. . . /article27599-2. html

Richard S. Lehman;"Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences"1991;Wadsworth Posting Company, California(web page 30)

www. rd. com/living-healthy/good. . . /article27599-2. html

Richard S. Lehman;"Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences"1991;Wadsworth Posting Company, California(web page30)

Richard S. Lehman;"Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences"1991;Wadsworth Posting Company, California(page30)

Richard S. Lehman;"Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences"1991;Wadsworth Posting Company, California(web page 28)

Economics Course Companion

Richard S. Lehman;"Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences"1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company, California(web page 20)

Richard S. Lehman;"Statistic Design in the Behavioral Sciences"1991;Wadsworth Publishing Company, California(page 20)

Theory of Knowledge Course companion

http://leonardodavinci. stanford. edu/submissions/clabaugh/record/leonardo. html

http://leonardodavinci. stanford. edu/submissions/clabaugh/record/leonardo. html

http://www. aiwaz. net/vitruvian-man/a6

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