Nature Of Independence Yann Martels Life Of Pi Idea Essay

Diane Frolov and Andrew Schneider once said that, "We maintain in our hands, the most treasured gift of most: Freedom. The freedom expressing our artwork. Our love. The flexibility to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that liberty away and no person shall take it from us! " (1992). The book Life of Pi by Yann Martel is about the life quest of Pi, the obstacles that he encountered at sea and being the only real survivor through the shipwreck. Freedom is something that individuals always wish to have. It is not merely the to act also for securing an equal right of life for everybody, liberty in term of physical and mental liberty, and the search of joy (Treder 2009). "Freedom is also defined as the lack of requirement, coercion, or constraint in choice or action" (Merriam). Liberty can be categorized into few categories which are physical freedom, canine freedom and spiritual freedom. It could be said that this is of 'independence' is rather controversial. Every human being has their particular idea of independence. Whether could it be the capability to speak freely, the capability to act readily or the ability to choose readily, each person's explanation varies from one another. Predicated on the novel Life of Pi, Yann Martel describes independence as contentment. It offers nothing to do with speaking or performing. Liberty in Pi's context is the ability of your person to be happy and content with life.

First and most important, physical liberty is the flexibility of body where day to day activities can be done without physical constraint (Willett 2011). When you can travel around the world, this demonstrates you are physically free to maneuver around and experience the beauty of the world. In Life of Pi, it is obviously shown that Pi is a vegetarian. Because of the unfavourable condition and scarcity of food in the lifeboat, he has compelled himself to take meat to stay alive. This demonstrates Pi could not practice his lifestyle widely as the condition is hostile and he does not have any freedom of choice. The times on the lifeboat led Pi to destroy and consume sea creatures such as sea turtle, flying fish and Dorado. Interestingly, sea turtle was considered to be his favourite dish on the sea. Besides that, Richard Parker which is the Bengal tiger that supported Pi in the lifeboat for 227 days during the shipwreck and Pi lost their perspective for a brief period of your time. The blindness triggered him to lose his freedom to move. At that time, Pi could not operate or eat and his movements was limited. He experienced restless as he previously to bear with the blindness and appetite that he encountered. Eventually, the thought of quitting his life came to his mind. Throughout that time, he been told someone requesting him "Is someone there?" (Martel 326) consecutively. Pi expresses that "It's amazing what you notice when you're by itself in the blackness of your dying mind, (Martel 326)". This quote portrays that he sensed a ray of hope in his life. Following the conversation about food with the French dude, Pi found out that he was a guy killer who murdered a man and a woman and they were both blind due to the lack of diet. Finally, when both of these embraced, it is clear that the French man was attempting to murder and eat Pi alternatively than be good friend with him but he was kept by Richard Parker, his saviour. This is proved from the quotation, "you're damn right your center has been me! As well as your liver and your flesh! (Martel 341)". Finally, his brimming tears and the ocean water brought back his vision within 2 days and he resumed his life as normal. He was in physical form free again as he can monitor everything at sea and in the life span boat.

Other than that, pet freedom prevailed in the book Life of Pi too. Generally, canine freedom is the basic rights of family pets. It comprises independence from craving for food and thirst, fear, physical mistreatment, security and diseases. The concept of animal independence differs from everyone's perspectives and it performs a essential role in dealing with animals with admiration and compassion (Stoop n. d). Some people might think that keeping household pets deprives animals with their freedom. However, in dog or cat lovers' viewpoint, they will consider various aspects in order to ascertain whether their flexibility has been encroached upon. For instance, typically, pets are well-protected, well-fed, given shelter and they are permitted to wander around in particular time frame daily. This shows that their freedom is not being overlooked as they live a joyful life. Pi argues that family pets that reside in the wild actually have not much freedom compared to those that are restricted in a cage. Crazy lives in the jungle have to battle in order to survive. This is often a misconception even as we can view independence through diverse aspects. This fallacy is seen through the estimate, "misinformed people think pets in the open are "happy" because they're "free" (Martel 20)". Pets or animals are territorial. If there are regulations implemented on the conservation of crazy life, it is a clear-cut that pets in the open can live happily and go through the freedom. They are able to explore the forests, do whatever they want and fend for themselves. In contrary, if no laws and regulations are imposed, this might pose a threat to the pets or animals in the jungle. They might be hunted to extinction scheduled to commercial purposes or the devastation of nature. If this is likely to happen, this isn't freedom to the pet but a loss of life word. Zoo can be considered a best place for the pets to live a life because the food supply is ongoing, they are protected, and their territories are clean. The one difference is how big is their territories is much smaller than the type. If the family pets are chased right out of the cage and compelled to make it through in the wild on their own, do you consider they are going to live with pleasure? They most probably prefer to are in such an appropriate and secure life like they used to. However, it could be an adversity to the pets or animals if their enclosure is not ideal since every animal has its particular habitat needs that must definitely be achieved. They could seek to flee and reluctant to reside in there. For instance, the pets or animals will not at all be at peacefulness if their enclosed space is too wet or sun-drenched, extremely sandy floor, excessively low food trough and inadequate food supply (Martel 53). This contributes to the difficulties in adapting the new environment and intent to escape. That's where flexibility ceases to exist.

Spiritual liberty was also portrayed in the book Life of Pi. Liberty of religious beliefs is a basic human right which include the freedom of individuals to choose and practice their religion or perception through worship and how to serve Him (Tzanko 2009). The verse within the last e book of bible "The Apocalypses of John", "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my speech and opens the entranceway, I'll come in to him and eat with him, and he with me, " portrays the esteem of God towards individual freedom (Tzanko 2009). According to the novel Life of Pi, Pi wanted to have confidence in three religions, specifically Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. However, this was not motivated by his parents and the 3 wise men. The pandit expressed that Pi can't be a Hindu, a Religious and woman at exactly the same time and he can only just choose one. Pi can be an agnostic scheduled to his distress to belong to a particular religious beliefs. He tended to be sceptical about each spiritual tenet. He realised that Islam and Christian are about love rather than hatred and violence. Being protective, Pi stated that he adores God (Martel 92). By caring God regardless of any religious beliefs, he experienced contented along with his life. Pi's dad also interrupted when the 3 sensible man were arguing and reminded them that there is flexibility of practice in the country (Martel 91). This implies that humans are given privileges to choose their own religious beliefs. In chapter 73 of Life of Pi, Pi noticed a Gideon Bible in the side table of the accommodation in Canada and he sought the faith to be multiply to all or any places where weary tourists might relax there. This illustrates the freedom of religion this is the spreading the words of God. Furthermore, he stated that they could not just relax in the resort rooms but also leave Bibles and sacred writings there.

In conclusion, freedom is a simple dependence on all humans and pets or animals nowadays. For us individual, freedom in the form of physical freedom, spiritual liberty and other freedom like financial independence and liberty of talk make our life complete and live up to our full potential. However, freedom should not be abused as some type of independence such as freedom of conversation are subjective and change from everyone's view. Although freedom of talk is given to everyone, in a multi-racial modern culture, we have to avoid displaying abusive racist remarks to generate disunity. If flexibility of conversation and press are not used responsibly, it can lead to havoc and disharmony.

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