Poetry About Mans Romance With Nature English Literature Essay


Poetry written in British in Tanzania is a relatively recent happening that dates back to around three and a half decades. The pace of growth of this writing has been similarly slow. This should not be shocking to people who are familiar with Tanzania's literary record. But the country has a abundant Kiswahili literary traditions that dates back to over 300 years. In his efforts to mobilize personnel and peasants in the process of countrywide liberation, the country's founding father, Julius Nyerere, thought Kiswahili will be a powerful tool for mental decolonization - a essential aspect of the process of countrywide liberation. Nyerere's work bore fruits, for despite numerous ethnic groupings - about 120 tribes in Tanzania - about 98% of the populace competently communicates in Kiswahili, the countrywide and official language.

Theme in Tanzania poetry, like in its prose and play, displays not only the politics ideas of the united states but also the public preference for a specific literature for the kind of world Tanzania envisages. The poetry demonizes individuals who are worried with meddling and tearing up cultural systems and updating them with egocentric ones. Tanzania poets like poets from in other places in Africa engage the subject of the pre-colonial, colonial and post colonial issues in their verses. My aim is to examine how, at symbolic level, the various poets have captured areas of nature in their verses as they employ the many issues of the three eras. I endeavour to investigate whether or not the poets are conscious about and help accelerate the magnificence of mother nature as a principal partner in individual life. My discussion is up to date by the ecocritical way that sees natural environment as the epicenter of interrelatedness of most life and therefore the necessity to protect it by both poet and critic by increasing consciousness.

Of Ecocriticism as the Informing Theory

A variety of scholars have, for the past 2-3 ages, been preoccupied with the concept of character in literary creative works. It isn't unintentionally that literary studies should take such a sizing. Barry Commoner's first laws of ecology declares thus: "Everything is connected to the rest, " meaning that literature is definitely not an abstract concept which is disconnected from the materials world, alternatively, it comes with an ethical role in an absolutely complex general system in which subject, energy and ideas connect in one way or the other. Because of this, literary engagement at both the degree of creation and criticism is constantly on the fascinate with the way that character informs and styles individual thought. Although Stephanie Sarver(1995) avers that "ecocriticism " - a term invented by William Rueckert - is less associated with theoretical apparatus much like a sensibility, Cheryll Glotfelty - in her classification of ecocriticism - increases pertinent questions that can be examined and relied after to create a basis after which ecocriticism as a theoretical framework operates. She, for example, argues that ecocritics and theorists ask questions such as: How is mother nature represented in this sonnet? What role does indeed the physical environment play in this plot of this book? Just how do our metaphors of the land effect just how we treat it? How do we characterize aspect writing as a genre? Are the values expressed in this play consistent with ecological intelligence? How has the concept of wilderness changed as time passes? Furthermore to race, school and gender, should place become a new critical category? Do men reveal nature in a different way from just how women do? What bearing can the science of ecology have on literary studies? How is science itself open to literary analysis? And what cross-fertilization is possible between literary studies and environmental discourse in related disciplines such as background, philosophy, psychology, skill background and ethics?, among other questions.

If these really are the criteria that inform the basic tenets for ecocritics then Tanzania poetry moves for ecocritical poems. In this process there is nothing beats nature being basically used as a backdrop. The critic would prefer to go through the reference to natural phenomena as a special sensibility on ecology and ethics than take a look at them as aesthetic ether.

Despite this huge opportunity of inquiry, and differing levels of sophistication, all environmental critics underscore the central idea that human being culture celebrates a symbiotic romance with the physical world, influencing it and affected by it. Cheryll further notes that ecocriticism can take as its subject the interconnections between mother nature and culture, especially, ethnic artifacts, vocabulary and literature. As a crucial theory, ecocriticism has one foot in literature and the other on the physical environment; And since theoretical discourse, it negotiates between your real human and nonhuman.

The two major texts of my analysis are Summons edited by Richard Mabala and Selected Poems edited by Tanzania Institute of Education.

Nature's Symbolic Depictions in Selected Poems

Tanzania poetry manifests the physicality of nature's presence as symbolized by mountains, forests, lakes, birds, seafood, family pets and other phenomena. These natural features that donate to environmentally and ecologically grounded poetry offer sublime scenic ponaroma and elevate encounters for poets, critics and basic readers. This type of poetry does not construct aspect as only prop to enrich the setting up or track record. As Lawrence Buell (1995) observes, poetry that is environmentally conscious must make non-human environment essential not peripheral, make individual accountable to the environment and make dynamics into what it is, more of a process than a build or static backdrop.

One of the very most moving poems on environmental consciousness found in both anthologies is Alute S. Mghwai's "Voices from the Wilderness". The poem is a robust and sensational indictment of man's activities on the environment. It utilizes personification to provide both fauna and flora human being quality of communicating right to the offender, the oppressor, to Prospero. The birds protest they can no longer relax because their habitat, the forests, has been indiscriminately felled by humans. As a result, the birds are exposed to intoxications that are emitted from market sectors and detonating bombs.

The major irony in this stanza is that the birds are definitely more knowledgeable than humans in recognizing the top role of forests. The birds are portrayed as selfless considerate and brilliant. Next are the fish when they protest that their habitat has been similarly ruined by man anticipated to submarines and tankers that spew olive oil into the normal water making it difficult for them to inhale and exhale. Both birds and the seafood protest and chide man because of this ecological disturbance that creates unnecessary and dangerous imbalance in the name of development. They question the essence of development if it comes by ruining the ecological environment in which man co-exists with other different forms of life.

The wildlife: Elephants, hippos, rhinos, great pet cats and zebras are also aggrieved by man's insatiable greed for ornaments and pleasure at the trouble of wild life. They are simply annoyed that man has gunned them down because of their tusks, skins, and claws. They dismiss man as a savagery being and question his intelligence and style. They argue that man's savagery could only be explained by his having been created last as an "afterthought".

Both fauna and flora finally put man on notice by disclosing that their endurance has been stretched beyond limit plus they would soon stand up for their pet animal rights.

In the whole poem, the symbolic ideas that man has the responsibility to save and protect the surroundings are clear. The environmental ecology is represented as the same participant in the world. By having the birds, seafood and animals chat, the poet appears to underscore the urgency and seriousness the problem deserves. It also demonstrates the devastation of the environment which leads to ecological imbalance is real because we are created to listen to, see, feel and think with the influenced parties.

This approach strikes all our senses and demands human accountability with their environment. On this poem the environment is not a mere metaphor or a static background rather, this is a thematic issue of unprecedented concern. The language use constructs humans as hostile, insensitive, detrimental and reckless in their subjective real human supremacy. The symbolic subject matter is the fact non-human environment can be an integral not peripheral spouse in the universe. Even though poem is a commentary on the impact of the so called developed world plan on the growing world, it is a powerful ecocritical verse.

Eric Sikuja Ng'maryo's poem entitled the "Fountain of Life" is a symbolic commentary on the envisaged Tanzania's political ideology at independence. The poet uses the fountain of life, that's, a spring and coil of normal water, as the effective sign of the primary principles of the country's socialist ideology. The centrality of drinking water, good natural water as we find it in springs, is depicted as part and parcel of human being success. Because this natural treasure is limited, people are called after to keep an eye on other's welfare by allowing writing, in turns and in similar measures. At the beginning it was all fine but with time, some people holiday resort to swindle communal drinking water for private use. They used "cupped banana leaves" and "coconut shell"; others come with pots of most sizes and "scooped" this for as many times as they so wished. The result is that there surely is an unequal distribution of the important resource because of getting.

In this poem normal water is celebrated as an exhaustible human resource that needs to be responsibly used to ensure it will serve all people well. If a lot of people misuse it for selfish reasons, then the rest should unite to detest, protest, and stop them. The usage of coconut shells and banana leaves depicts the community's devotion to make good use of the natural environment by participating in advantageous activities such as planting both food and cash crops. These crops not only provide people who have food but also serve the important role of both looking at garden soil erosion and conserving normal water. The use of fountain of life, banana leaves and coconut shells - all drawn from the surroundings - effectively communicate how socialist ideas in Tanzania had become ruined by a few individuals rushing to enrich themselves at the expense of the whole society.

The sacred Groove by Alexander Muigai is an awesome reference to characteristics. Natural phenomena such as trees and shrubs and mountains are depicted as superior individuals companions. The mention of Kirinyaga, a revered mountain by people who live near it, is an illustration of precisely how man is a subject of particular phenomena in his immediate environment. The poet celebrates the age-long "Holy Tree" that is conspicuous among other trees and shrubs in the "Sacred Grove". Because the tree has "seen many days", the persona asks it to narrate life's testimonies of enjoyment and sorrow, of lots and famine, of war and calmness, of epidemics and health, and of solemn men offering sacrifices and prayers at its feet, facing the Kirinyaga. Aside from highlighting the important role of certain trees and mountains in the spiritual affairs of humanity, the poem foregrounds the necessity for a separate health care of immediate environment as people need the wonder of characteristics around them in order to perform certain spiritual rituals. By getting in touch with the trees the Sacred Grove, the poem implies that it's blasphemous and sinful to ruin trees. "The Sacred Tree" and the "Sacred Grove" are turned to when man's spirit needs cleaning and nourishment. Since the name of the tree(s) is not disclosed, the poem appears to underscore the fact that each tree is sacred and people who cut trees and shrubs down could be cutting down the sacred trees, their spiritual lives!

Related to the poem is "Doom Ahead" by Makando Mandia. The poem gratifies Mt. Kilimanjaro as a symbolic representation of traditional values and wisdom which come only with time. The persona re-lives "the beauty in those days" and regrets that the beauty is no more there. Kibo, one of the peaks on the pile, is used as a symbol of immortality of communal prices. Those who live by good societal ideals live long, so long as Kibo. The maximum represents days gone by people's socialist ideals of being mindful of other individuals' welfare. It's possible, it appears, for these ideals to reside permanently. But as capitalism intrudes into people's lives, the very fibres that put them together are lost and common hobbies and decency are over-ridden by selfish imperialist interests. Kibo's usage assists as a constant reminder to visitors to look back to their glorious recent in order to cope with the problems that bedevil them in today's.

Despite the various attributes of characteristics depicted from this poems, nature can also be hostile and fearsome. Manga J. Kingazi's poem entitled "The Tenacity" rebukes characteristics because the latter threatens life. The poem navigates the theme of appearance versus fact by use of powerful images: the swamp, quick-sand and marshy field. The persona advises on use of your telescope to see them to be able to understand how dangerous they are really. Quite simply, nature harbours certain things that are camouflaged to cover up the potential issues that they present. The persona admonishes character despite her generosity. The poem is a simple commentary on Tanzania's socialist ideals. Even though ideals seem virtuous there are serious main contradictions that folks need to know. Failure to recognize such setbacks, people could re-live the experience of a marshy field, a swamp and quick-sand. A marshy field is barren and hostile; a swamp is inhabitable while quick-sand is perennially unstable and therefore unreliable. All of the images stand for the dangers that the magnanimous dynamics may be covered with. "Telescope" symbolizes man's intellectual capacity to see beyond the standard by engaging in critical evaluation of issues before making decisions.


My experience in the analysis of both anthologies shows that the poets have, to an appreciable level captured mother nature in their verses. The task remains that poets need to go a notch higher in sensitizing people about the need to participate their physical environment in a more meaningful way that fosters posterity. The critics come with an similarly important role to go beyond the socio-political and indulge environmental metaphors using the ecocritic's lens in the verses they assess.

The program of ecocriticism as a theoretical approach in various types of literary work is long overdue. There exists need for environmental sensibility to move in tandem with the global pattern today. Indeed, the world faces environmental crises: global warming, deforestation, regionalism, pollution, which are more of your dysfunctional honest condition than a spontaneous ecosystem falure. Getting through such problems requires a multidisciplinary knowledge of peoples' impact on nature with regard to their honest systems. It really is by understanding such ethical systems that folks can be sensitized about their role in environmental things.

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