Representation Of Women Character types By Anne Bronte British Literature Essay

Ann Bronte has have you been a subject for discussions on any research of feminist literary criticism. Her writings are so powerful that they were influential to generations of folks regardless of social differences. Being truly a copy writer with strong feminist outlooks, all her works explore the themes or templates of gender and discrimination. Agnes Gray plus the Tenant of Wildfell Hall are well written books which give an understanding into the feminist perspectives of Anne Bronte.

Anne Bronte always depicts the problems of the oppressed parts in population. Self is the nucleus from which all her literary portions emerge. Hers was a tough youth with an ailing mom and insecure financial background (Jacobs, 1986). To add to her psychological issue, her mother passed on when she was scarcely one year old. Kept away from motherly care and passion, Anne wished to have emotional relaxation with her sisters. Writing was an activity she selected to be able to divert herself from her powerful psychological injury. Though she's written only two novels, they comprehensively examine her feelings and feelings vividly.

Anne selected her own life as a source to derive topics for her books. Chitham observes that we now have striking resemblances between the character Agnes Gray and Anne's personal life (Chitham, 1993). The type of Agnes Gray believes that she's individuality. Being a woman does not mean that she has to do all household activities. She can be a bakery earner too. When Agnes' daddy becomes impoverished, all the feminine relation tries to handle the situation by reducing expenditures. Agnes wants to pursue a job, but is dissatisfied with the treatment of others. Everyone considers her as immature. The culture is of the view that a young female with not much coverage cannot mingle with people and get a job. However, Agnes decides to assert her individuality by taking up a job to support her family (Bronte, 2007).

As in true to life, Anne makes her figure a governess. She wishes to claim her id by becoming somebody who is effective to the culture. Agnes Grey's sister also strives hard to make money for the family. She is an designer and makes some cash by offering her portraits. Agnes is a young female with all tenderness. She displays her sensitive aspect while working with the weird children. Her obligation as a governess is to teach and civilize them. Even though she achieves it in the first phase, children again become undisciplined and troublesome (Bronte, 2010).

Through the portrayal of female characters, the writer stresses that a women must have courage to face all situations. Agnes will not lose her wits on discovering that she has been dismissed for not participating the kids carefully. Everyone blames Agnes for the children's misbehavior. Yet, she will not become needy. She looks for another job and eventually gets one.

Through the book Agnes Gray, Anne Bronte undertakes a thorough analysis of the plight of typical women who are destined to put up with under wealthy people. The Bloomfield family proves to be cruel to Agnes. Even though she is scolded and tortured by Mr. Bloomfield and Mr. Bloomfield, she manages to remain there for some time. However, she actually is ruthlessly dismissed for not undertaking her duties perfectly (Carnell, 1998). Agnes' destiny remains to be the same even after she joins another family as a governess.

It is a fact that women are not given equal position to men in all societies. The man dominated social composition treats women faultily. Women are always oppressed all over. Agnes Gray is every woman whose fate is to go through the oppression of the population. In the book, two communities are tormented once and for all. They are animals and women. This rightly shows that women are not considered as human beings in any way. The society looks through to them as having identical status to animals.

Agnes Grey shows the position of women in family as well as society. Like other literary masterpieces, Agnes Gray also is due to her own personal experiences. Her female protest is all evident in the work.

Quite different from the loving ideologies of Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte, Anne Bronte uses extreme realism to depict her ideas. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is an example for that. It is essentially a public commentary which investigates the social role of women. Though occur England, it is relevant to all regions and everything cultures. It has turned into a controversial booklet as it presents bold endeavors of women.

To a female surviving in the Victorian period, stopping a partner was an unimaginable act. Anne Bronte is a courageous girl who honestly portrayed such a woman persona in the book, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Her audacious tone has, in fact, heralded a new era in British fiction. There was a purposeful departure from the established techniques of the modern-day world. Within the hands of Anne, feminine characters have received definite freedom to question the conventions of the world. While reading The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, it is apparent that the feminine individuals are strong enough (Downey, n. d. ).

The male perspective is severely criticized in the book. Gilbert's love for Helen can't be considered as genuine. He suspects her partner, Frederick Lawrence, to be her lover. This leads Gilbert to attack Lawrence who is actually Helen's sibling.

Even though small ones, the other feminine individuals in the novel communicate certain announcements to the general public. Their characterization exposes the characteristics of ladies in male centered interpersonal affairs. Eliza Millward is a persona whom Gilbert flirts with first. Here, Anne indicates that girl is an instrument for men to enjoy love and sex (Markham, 2009). Likewise, Millicent Hargrave, Rose and Fergus Markham express some elements of women of the time.

Helen is a robust character who signifies the strong attributes of womanhood. She realizes the fact that women are subjugated in every contemporary society. What she can all do is to are affected the ill-treatment of the domineering males. However, Helen considers quite differently. Protest is what dominates the text. She believes that a " new world " order will materialize only when women commence to respond. She slams the entranceway in the face of her cruel partner and this clearly shows the female protest.

In general, the contemporary society considers women as another rate citizen. They can be denied of several privileges such as freewill and freedom. Throughout the characterization of Helen, Anne means that women shouldn't be constrained within the four surfaces of the homes. They need to come forward to improve the very face of the society. Women have a job in family as well as contemporary society. Without their participation, society is completely incomplete.

The book is sensible in nature and it depicts certain life like situations of the modern world. Through the entire expanse of the world, it can be seen that we now have both oppressor and the oppressed. The miserable thing is the fact that women are the oppressed section forever. However, certain bold voices are sure to turn out from many sides. Helen's is one of them. She represents the aspirations of a huge amount of people, especial women, who fantasy a distinctive world without gender discrimination. In this sense, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is a amazing attempt from a female to accomplish better living environment for the complete women upon the earth.


Anne Bronte's feminine characters aren't stereotypes. They emerge out to be powerful personas with an absolute goal. However, all her character types are not aggressive. A number of the characters show different thoughts. Submission and subjugation are also shown in both novels. She presents them only to make people aware that these will be the common problems confronted by ladies in society. In short, it could be said that the women personas of Anne Bronte shows multifaceted characteristics.

Work Cited

Bronte, A. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Middlesex: UK, Echo Library, 2007

Bronte, A. Agnes Grey. London: UK, Bibliolis Books, 2010

Carnell, R. K. Feminism and the Public Sphere in Anne Bront's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall. Nineteenth-Century Books. Vol. 53, No. 1 (Jun. , 1998), pp. 1-24

Chitham, E. A life of Anne Bront. Oxford: UK, Wiley-Blackwell, 1993

Downey, G. The Critics of Wildfell Hall. The Victorian Web. (No Night out). Available Online at http://www. victorianweb. org/authors/bronte/abronte/downey2. html#radical (Accessed on 3rd, November, 2010)

Jacobs. N. M. Gender and Layered Narrative in "Wuthering Levels" and "The Tenant of Wildfell Hall". The Journal of Narrative Strategy. Vol. 16, No. 3 (Land, 1986), pp. 204-219

Markham, S. The Tennant of Wildfell Hall: Anne Bronte's Final Novel. collection101. com. 2009. Available Online at http://www. suite101. com/content/the-tennant-of-wildfell-hall-a115117 (Seen on 3rd, November, 2010)

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