Systematic method of recruitment and selection,

Systematic approach to recruitment and selection, and its efficacy in bringing in diverse workforce within the equal opportunities occupation legal framework


In modern organizations, variety management has become synonymous with good and equal opportunities job, even though traditional context of equivalent opportunities is directly related with legal aspects of treatments of probable and current employees. Today, variety management activities are grounded in monitoring of immediate and indirect discrimination and interventions to bolster good treatment of women, ethnic minorities, the aged and the disabled. Therefore, the fairness paradigm is just about the benchmark for managing distinctions and must be congruent with business aims. This paradigm surfaced from the perspectives that organizations desire a diverse labor force to re-think and re-define primary jobs related to strategies including organizational goals, goals, marketplaces, products and source allocations (Cornelius, Gooch and Todd in Noon and Ogbonna 2001). Diversity management differs from equivalent opportunities, yet it is based on the same basis. Identical opportunities amplify insurance policies and procedures that reveal the exterior legal framework and provide chances for competition. In individuals resource management, normally, this is inherent in the procedures of recruitment and selection, and sometimes in training and development. The basic premise is to ensure that identical opportunities should be given to people who are in competition with the other person for regions of employment and selection, no matter how old they are, gender, competition or disability. The target is not to elicit equal end result.

When put in place within the organizational construction that follows organized approach to human resources management, the fine lines between identical opportunities and variety management, at times, becomes blurred. Therefore, organizations tend to be found striving for an equilibrium in keeping diverse labor force within the realms of the similar opportunity laws to achieve equality and organizational proper targets. Given the blurring classification of variety and equivalent opportunities in employment, critics find organized approach to recruitment and selection less appealing as strategic people resource management aspect. Others argue that as a crucial element of HRM, recruitment and selection accommodates for both exterior and inner environmental change. Within the ensuing debate, the researcher shall evaluate the scope of the validity of this debate, and regulate how attractive systematic method of recruitment and selection is at acquiring diverse workforce in organizations, and how successful organizations have been around in integrating equivalent opportunities routines.

Critical Evaluation of Systematic Approach to Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection functions are essential for proper HRM concerning and including job identification, job explanation, interviews, selection and orientation. It involves complex techniques and skills that assist decision-makers in selecting applicants for reaching organizational goals, as well as personifies the organizational values, culture, behavior and self-control. Recruitment and selection operations derive from systematic evaluation of personal and professional prices, interpersonal skills, problem fixing ability, frame of mind and behaviour of candidates, and examining them whether their traits are congruent with the organizational prices and objectives. Screening the kind of employees the organization is going to employ the service of helps determine the kind of personality and how to mould these to the organizational culture. Selection decision is often predicated on a host of factors pertaining to job match, capability, professional certification, personal expertise, as well as employee's personality to match with the organization (Cornelius, Gooch and Todd in Noon and Ogbonna 2001). This traditional strategy (also called systematic approach) has progressed over time and become sophisticated as proper recruitment and selection procedures. Traditional approaches to recruitment and selection in earlier organizations based on psychometric models often evaluate applicant's performance with job fit whereas in modern organizations the organized approach to recruitment and selection techniques is proper in character, even though the foundation of the machine has continued to be congruent with traditional way (Beardwell and Holden 2003).

Experts (Beardwell and Holden 2003; Thornhill et al. , 2000) believe modern systematic approach to resourcing organizations has harmoniously integrated overall organizational strategies and processes rather than only concentrating on job-specific criteria. Because of this, recruitment and selection techniques have proper implications, starting from how resourcing offers competitive advantage in the brief run to valuing employees as organizational investments. The procedures are targeted at achieving organizational aims aligned with long-term organizational tactical vision. Components of systematic approach to recruitment, such as job examination, job descriptions, development of competence frameworks, recognition of person features and accountability, as well as advertising campaign, executive search, and Internet recruitment provide alternatives and efficiency to the procedure of recruitment for organizational reference acquisition.

Alternatively, traditional method of selection has remained somewhat like the preceding methods. For instance, earlier recruitment functions have heavily relied on analysis criteria, stability on validity of candidate information, techniques of interviews and psychometric exams. Selection has also been predicated on corresponding job types with work styles through simulated evaluation tests. Today these components of selection are conducted in the same manner but often aided by the use of information technology systems and refined by integration of organizational goals. Nevertheless, the actual fact remains - recruitment and selection functions play critical functions in resourcing organizations and pooling of work skills. Regarding to Beardwell and Holden (2003), HRM processes such as recruitment and selection are no longer viewed as the "best-fit way" but have improved to "resource-based view" or "best practice address". This makes them very important for supporting corporate and business strategies and organizational change management by acting as a lever for competitive benefits for organizations.

Not only this, systematic approach to recruitment and selection has been set out to enable organizational management to determine frameworks for performance management. It really is at this first level that managers determine assignments, tasks, and performance benefits to match with the most suitably skilled and stimulated candidates for reaching organizational objectives. Furthermore, basics for systematic approach to recruitment involve setting up competitive construction for applicants to determine future performance. For instance, evaluation and assessment processes involve simulated responsibilities, psychometric checks, and validation of qualifications. It is through these simulated lab tests that managers gauge attitudes, behaviours, personality, and conversation with the candidates to find out job and candidate match. Selection is dependant on merit described by the work specifications, individual determination, and suitability for the positions within the business. The objectivity is to incorporate worker characteristics, skills, and abilities, and fit it within the organizational regulations, procedures, and ethnic frameworks, and in doing so not to waste efforts and resources in conflict, power relations, subordination and normative institutional clashes in the future (Lucas 2003).

In this regard, one could discover that systematic approach to recruitment, selection integrates exterior environmental factors like legal frameworks in plans, and strategies to ensure organizations set up a direct romance with the applicants, job market and the legal environment. Out of this perspective, systematic approach to recruitment and selection functions is also thought to have added to promoting and building trends for reasonable career. However, critics don't have a consensus on reasonable syndication of representations of people where recruitment and selection operations are concerned. For instance, Cornelius, Gooch and Todd (2001) are of the view that traditional equal-opportunity techniques will often have unequal outcomes, depending on the culture of the business, as well as the type of workforce necessary for the job. For example, gender and get older discrimination will probably become issues for "unequal" employment in business where workers are required to be male of young age like the logging industry. Dedication towards equal opportunity for reasonable representation of groups of individuals in recruitment and selection functions will not add value but instead hinders accomplishment of organizational targets. Consequently, systematic approaches to recruitment and selection are not really effective in resolving tactical HRM issues pertaining to establishment of legal frameworks. Yet, one cannot deny the fact that organizations have not benefited from the organized approach to pursue fair treatment and equivalent opportunities for work. It's the substance of the organized method of recruitment, which considers of the changing environment, as well as business strategies that means it is dynamic, and thus works well in resolving management issues of diversity.

Attraction of diverse labor force and execution of equivalent opportunities employment

There are numerous factors that are responsible for making an organization attractive for employees. Organizational reputation regarded because of its fairness, culture, income and skill pool, for example, are attraction for candidates. Similarly, job elegance is also reliant on the techniques of recruitment and selection, and goals and ideology of the organization. In most organizations today, using a diverse labor force is no more a luxury but essential and even a competitive edge. A diverse workforce is essential in pooling skills and certification for attaining organizational strategic objectives in today's intricate business environment (Sims 2002). Variety, many case, is distinguishable from similar opportunity as it acts the self-interest of organizations rather than social justice. It involves pursuance of regulations that meet up with the demand of labour pool, and therefore gain the best qualifications from employees. It creates the monetary justification for hiring individuals valuable in conditions of business need, and labour market source. It takes into consideration of the indicated need for staff satisfaction, which would lead to quality in production and increasing the ability pool direly required by powerful organizations (Noon and Ogbonna 2001).

Diversity is intrinsically linked with equal opportunity, corresponding to experts (Thornley 2003). They argue that the labour market is normally characterized by competition where individuals be competitive for employment predicated on commutative justice. Free competition is widespread and the prize for this is employment. Candidates vie for positions in organizations through screen of qualifications, academics performance, ownership of skills, behaviour, and positive behaviours. Employers, on the other side, form benchmarks for occupation predicated on organizational requirements, regulations and techniques in recruitment and selection. Employers are also mandated to check out government coverage to benchmark pay, inflation and competitiveness for fair distribution of income and prosperity. The government control buttons fair distribution of income by putting into action policies of equivalent employment opportunities to remove formal and casual discrimination based on gender, age, competition and disability. In the united kingdom, this practice is controlled by the EOC and through legal Works often tends to constrain organizations for implementing fair employment.

Despite critical objections to the effectiveness and strategic mother nature of systematic approach to recruitment and selection, management of organizations cannot refuse the actual fact that HRM processes have integrated diversity and equal opportunities policies and strategies to avoid adverse effects of the law. The EOC has designed laws like the Employment Work 1989/2002, Gender Discrimination Act, Equivalent Pay Act, Impairment Discrimination Work 1995, Race Relations Act 1976, Work Relations Action 1999 and the Employment Equality Regulations 2003 to suppress discrimination of candidates for employment based on their gender, competition, age and impairment. To ensure that these regulations are implemented within organizations, organizations have began to invest heavily in HRM processes congruent with the recommended legal frameworks arranged by the EOC and the federal government. For most organizations, investment in these processes are necessary for conformity, while for others it is the long-term objective-achievement attempts as they view making their organization attractive to potential abilities a tactical activity in itself. Consequently, HRM procedures have been devised predicated on objective tests of prospects. Recruitment and selection models used for assessing job performance, personality testing, cognitive ability assessments, as well as trials of job knowledge take into account of accomplishment and skill skills. Organizations no more depend on individual interviewer impressions to select and match candidates based on qualifications complementing with job criteria. Instead, applicants are being analyzed for their expertise, skills and knowledge correlating with job performance regardless of their sex, years, race or impairment (Hough and Oswald 2000). Furthermore, organizations are also using integrity tests and self-reports to check on reliability and validity of counterproductive work behaviours. These organized ways of recruitment and selection derive from the premise that effective recruitment leads to smooth working of organizations and successful recruitment and selection is based on discovering the right person with the right skills, know-how and requirements for achieving organizational aims and contributing towards organizational worth. For this function, a good and steady system of recruitment helps reduce the responsibility of employee discord, turnover, absenteeism and dismissals.

According to the Workforce Development Plan (2004) in the UK, for organizations to build up control capacity in their respected industry, they must develop skills and capacity of workforce, organizational performance management framework, pay and rewards system and, most importantly, ensure that identical opportunity and variety procedures are aligned with the complete recruitment and selection processes. The give attention to skills and aptitudes, rather than stereotypes, would help lead to fair judgements about individuals based on their merits somewhat than their gender, years, race or impairment (EOC 2006).


From the aforementioned discussion, you can conclude that the strategic nature of the organized approach to recruitment and selection has managed to get the ideal tool for today's organizations to get a competitive advantage in acquisition of skills and a diverse labor force. Strategic HRM requires that techniques be in collection with inner and external factors impacting organizational dynamics. For this function, these processes need to be flexible to support change in the business environment. Two of the main factors that contain been impacting modern organizations are equivalent employment opportunities and diversity. Self-interest for competitive benefit, as well as legal mandates have determined organizations to purchase HRM procedures and techniques to promote variety and identical opportunities employment. These are evident in the various techniques found in recruitment and selection checks, as well as procedures for hiring applicants. The practice is not isolated but rather is among the most benchmark for organizations to appeal to a diverse labor force and continue to be aligned with the legal framework. Despite critics' arguments, one could conclude that the traditional approach to recruitment and selection in the current organizations is objective in providing the mandatory competitive benefits and strategic advantage for rivalling in the highly powerful business environment.


Beardwell, I. Holden, L. and Claydon (2003) Human being Reference Management - A Modern-day Approach. Fourth Edition. FT Prentice Hall.

Employers Business for Local Government (2004) Workforce Development Planning - Instruction Record - May 2004. Employers Organization for Local Government, Online accessed on 12 January 2007 from: http://www. idea-knowledge. gov. uk/idk/aio/4465769.

Equal Opportunities Commission payment (2006) Recruiting Staff Guidance for Managers and Supervisors, May 2006. Equivalent Opportunities Commission rate.

Hough, L. M. and Oswald, F. L. (2000) Staff Selection: Looking toward the Future-Remembering the Past. Annual Overview of Psychology. pp. 631.

Lucas, R. E. (2003) Work Relations in the Hospitality and Travel and leisure Industries. Routledge: New York. pp. 84

Millmore, M. (2003) Just How Extensive is the Practice of Strategic Recruitment and Selection? Journal of Management pp. 87

Noon, M. and Ogbonna, E. (eds) (2001) Equality, Diversity and Drawback in Employment. Palgrave: Basingstoke, Britain. pp. 32.

Sims, R. R. (2002) Organizational Success through Effective RECRUITING Management. Quorum Catalogs: Westport, CT. Publication Yr: pp. 107

Storey, J. (1992) Innovations in the Management of Human Resources, Oxford: Blackwell.

Thornhill, A. , Lewis, P. , Millmore, M. and Saunders, M. (2000) Controlling Change: A Human Resource Strategy Methodology, Harlow: Financial Times, Prentice Hall.

Thornley, C. (2003) "Labour market coverage and inequality in the UK" in Industrial and Labour Market Insurance policy and Performance: Issues and Perspectives (eds) Cofey, D and Thornley, C. , Routledge: New York. pp. 83

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