The Explanation And Determinants Of Personality Psychology Essay

Better procedure of organizations associate with different individuals, how they work and performance can influence the performing of business. Because different individuals have their own knowledge, experience, belief, skill and quality that just as the key resources to the organization. There are lots of notions of personality from different literatures; however there is absolutely no specific someone to define it. According to IAN BROOKS, personality identifies specific features include hidden or wide open factor and which might also determine either standard or variations in behavior in organizations (IAN, 2009).

Determinants of personality

There are numerous factors determine the personality which from exterior and internal aspects. Nonetheless the determinants of personality can contain four types, this show in the below graph:

Biological factors include three details: heredity, brain and physical features. First one is heredity, generally human basic characteristics is from heredity which direct result from one's parents and transmits to era to era (Fayyaz, 2008). Second some may be brain, based on the result from Electrical stimulation of the Brain (ESB) research that show the far better knowledge of personality and behavior that obtain from far better brain (Fayyaz, 2008). Third an example may be physical features that point out from folks external features which is biologically driven, it can be an important factors of personality.

Culture factor

Different individual has different cultural, it is an important factor within man grow up, it is therefore also determine the form of personality.

Social factor

It is also refer to family factor that is important to create the individual's personality. The factors can come from the member of the family, how they sense, pondering and their habit style can influence one another.

Situational factor

According to the research of Milgram, he said situation would influence the individual's action, which has important press on people (Kumar, 2001).

Theories of personality

Personality is from many areas, there are three theories in this issue area which is the characteristic, psychodynamic and sociocultural.

Trait ideas of personality

Another useful method of understand the personality can through the composition of the people's characteristic process. Personality characteristic can make reference to whatever the problem is, an steady attribute of individuals that shows up constantly ( Fayyaz, 2008). You will find two commonly know theories which research by Gordon Allport and Raymond Cattell. Gordon Allport was pioneer in the analysis at personality attributes. The basic research recognized between common characteristics and personal dispositions. Common traits can compare individuals and the six factors come out from his research: economical, theoretical, social, political, aesthetical and spiritual for comparative purpose(aaa). While Personal dispositions was about total unique characteristics, they called central, cardinal or supplementary ( peripheral).

Built upon Gordon Allport's research, Raymond Cattell developed the idea in 1965. In order to better understand the personality he did a lot research and investigations, then he determined 171 words you can use to overview or describe the people. The two major types were surface characteristic and source trait. Generally these investigations were recognition to the research of personality; it provided the principal information to further study. Another famous british isles psychologist Hans J. Eysenck who concluded the normal effect and build three- factor style of personality: introversion-extroversion, stableness- instability and psychoticism. His research provided the data to point these personality measurements can provide peole's major personality patterns(Bratton, 2010). Moreover nowadays you can find five -factor model of personality which implicate at outrageous fields.

Look as of this chart, it shows the top five proportions: openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. These can help the analysts anticipate the people's personality in more specific guidelines.

The psychodynamic theory of personality

There are two aspects in the psychodynamic theory, first one originates from the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud and second one comes from Erik Erikson. According to Freud, the personality includes id, ego and superego:

The id is approximately all needs and urges, and the superego is responsible for ideals and moral. While the ego moderates between the demands of the identification, the superego, and actuality (personality psychology research guide). For example, id says 'I want that', and then ego responds 'no, you can't do that, it isn't yours. Finally the superego may choose moralistic concepts firstly not realist ones. In Freud's theory, he advances seven periods and focus on the childhood can influence people from child until to adult.

On the other palm Erikson emphasized that personality add a series of phases in the progress, meanwhile some conflicts came up up at each stage. However success in each level associate with overcomes these conflicts successfully (Robert, 1996).

Sociocultural ideas of personality

In the view of some experts, different environment will form the action of the folks, such as feeling, thinking and conversing. Sociocultural theories suggest that people's personality relates to interpersonal activity and interpersonal environment. You will discover three approaches in the sociocultural ideas, first one is the sociable- learning approach which stress people obtain the learning experience from the sociable environment. Second some may be the phenomenological procedure which emphasize sociable experience will form people's thinking, feeling and so on. Third is the sociable- self procedure, in line with the psychologist Carl Rogers and sociologist George Herbert Mead.

Applications of personality theories in the workplace

Personality theories are essential and necessary to the organizations' management in modern society. Because personality characteristic relate with how people cooperate with other others, how people perform well at work, whether they adapt at the task, and help the organizations' managers choose right people at right work, additionally help the supervisor find the potential of employee so that better to allocate the jobs, furthermore help people understand the strain and then release the pressure.

According to John Holland's research, he create personality-job fit model including six categories- reasonable, investigative, social, typical, enterprising and imaginative, and each categories have their ideal environment. The next table shows the relationships.

This chart displays these viewpoints:

Different works can get the suitable responsibilities through their types so that their efficiency and improve the satisfaction to the managers and themselves.

Work environment and various kinds of profession are more suitable to certain personality types.

These theories are widely used in many fields, especially in the recruitment of the organizations; managers can select the right people do the right work. For example, the kindergartens' instructor should become more patient and more vigorous than others. The nurses should become more carefully and patient.

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