William Carlos Williams Poetry Analysis

Keywords: jamcloset meaning, jamcloses, jamcloset analysis

William Carlos Williams was a grasping poet of the 20th century. Most of Williams' work is devoted to his personal life and things that took place in it. Williams was born on September 17, 1883. He wrote his poetry from his late teenagers until his death on March 4, 1963 at age 79. Williams has a considerable number of both prose and poetry writings. He presumed that: "prose has to do with the fact of your sentiment" and "poetry is due to the dynamization of emotion into a separate form" (volume 1, 219). What Williams says here is that in prose you are allowed to show sentiment and in poetry that feeling must be hidden behind different forms.

"THAT IS Just To Say" (1934) is one of the noted poems by William Carlos Williams. Written as it is a note left on an ice box, Williams' poem appears to the reader like a bit of found poetry. Metrically, the poem displays no regularity of stress or of syllable count up.

The CliffsNotes evaluation states:"Building on sibilance and concluding on `so cold, ` the poem means that sweet, fruity taste contrasts the coldness of an human marriage that forbids posting or forgiveness for a minor breach of etiquette. " The words "Forgive me, " written as a order, pressure on the sense of regret conveyed by the loudspeaker. This hopeless dependence on forgiveness is an evident confession of forbidden action, accompanied by Williams' visible imagery of the plums shows that this poem could get worried with the uselessness or self-entrapment of sexual desire.

Another, straightforward, understanding is that the author of the take note of on the refrigerator will try to replace the knowledge of eating the plums with a clear, brief information:"They were scrumptious / So sugary and so cool. " Forgiveness in the poem depends on the success of the description. This model serves well for the poet's process, i. e. forsakes genuine experience than mere words. The poem will triumph if the reader redeems the poet's transgression.

In another view, the poem was written from Williams to his better half. He ate her plums from the ice box and wanted to leave a tiny apology in the form of poetry on a napkin. She do response to his poem with one of her own - "Little boy"

When reading "Poem" the first question, that the reader asks is, what exactly is Williams looking to tell us. The image is actual, the written text of the poem is short. The poem surfs as a protracted metaphor. The feline is cautiously climbing on the jamcloset, placing each ft. accurately. The reader's first task is to specify the meaning of "jamcloset, " which is by natural means described. But, this phrase is not defined in Webster's or any other dictionaries. This implies that Williams designed for this work to invoke an image. "Jam packed" could be something that is chock-full with what to the point that nothing more can be added. Perhaps, with this expression, Williams wants to show the reader a graphic of a closet jammed with stuff, with a feline carefully transferring to the most notable. Contrary, the word "jam" could denote a fruit spread used on toasted bread, in which particular case, the word "jamcloset" indicates a pantry and there is the advice that the feline is after a tasty jam. In both instances, the emphasis of the poem is on the cat's endpoint.

The reader sees the cat stepping so gracefully, initially on one foot and then on the other. The brief lines and clean stream of words signify the watchful and agile actions of the kitty. Just in the last stanza, the reader realizes that the cat has moved so cautiously, merely to enter the "pit of an empty flowerpot. " This changes the image of the precise and careful feline into something funny. The first figure of the reader is usually that the feline is moving specifically for a specific goal. That is something that the reader would judge as a very important motive from a individuals point of view. This, however, is not the case, as the kitten eventually ends up squeezed in to the flower container, which Williams, obviously shows, was the pets` aim in the end.

As this implies, the imagery says more about the reader, than it does for the kitty. The humans are goal-oriented. The thoughtful, designed activity of the kitty, that Williams details, logically leaves a feeling in the reader that the cat has a certain goal, whether it's recording a mouse or something else, but as it turns out, the pet cat has another thing in mind.

What Williams is showing the readers is the fact that, the world follows its own rules. The kitty is captivated by and wants to stay in the flower pot, which does not seem sensible from a real human perspective, but there is and that is the reality.

There may be no goals, purpose or signifying from a human being point of view, on earth, but it will be still significant. Children comprehend this, and a kid would possibly laugh on the flower-potted pet cat and realize that, the world appears different depending on the perspectives. Grown-ups are likely to lose their pleasure in seeing the unexpected and checking out the mysterious by disregarding viewpoints that are new and various. As this shows, Williams' use of imagery proposes signifying at multiple levels with concise and quick poetry.

In "Poem, " the poet shows a graphic that signifies more, than it expresses implicitly. The feline, so prudently placing first one ft. and then the other delicately in to the pit of the flowerpot, not only carries the inquisitive nature of the pet, but also the actual fact that the cat shows a part of the earth, that adult humans often evade. By amazing the reader, with the cat's vacation spot, Williams delicately implies that men and women are too foreseeable. We, like children and pet cats, should try to start to see the world with different sight, and perhaps try twisting into the new perspectives that could seem unknown initially. Maybe, we have to not smile at the noticeable insanity of the kitty until we've sat in a flowerpot on top of a "jamcloset" and seen things from cat's point of view.

Source list

Litz, A. Walton, & MacGowan (Eds. ). The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams: Level II 1939-1962. NY: New Guidelines Literature, 1986.

Modern American poetry. On "That is Just to Say". 04. 25. 2011 <http://www. english. illinois. edu/maps/poets/s_z/williams/just. htm>

Modern American poetry. On "Poem". 04. 25. 2011 <http://www. english. illinois. edu/maps/poets/s_z/williams/poem. htm>

This IS MERELY To Say, This Is Just To Say. 04. 25. 2011 <http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/This_Is_Just_To_Say>

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