How to start your cover letter is an important factor that is often over looked by people when writing their cover letters. The introduction to your cover letter is vitally important because it will set the stage for the rest of your letter – it will ensure that the person reading your letter understands that you are someone who can be taken seriously and that you are a viable candidate for the job you are applying for. You must ensure that your cover letter conveys these particular elements or else your introduction will be seen as lacking in depth.
It is also important too that your introduction should be brief. Your entire letter shouldn’t be a lengthy document as whoever your employer is, the chances are they will be receiving a great deal of applications so making your letter stand out its a priority. The best way to do this is to make sure that it is short but informative. This particularly goes for your introduction – your introduction should simply introduce you in a formal manner and allow the rest of the cover letter to work as your main selling point. It is important, however, when writing your introduction to show both your passion for the job and some element of your personality. This is often lacking from cover letters and leaves your prospective employer feeling as if you don’t have any real interest in the job and that you don’t have a strong enough personality to shine through. Personality is particularly important when applying for a job like a HR Assistant as so much of your job will involve people it is crucial that you ensure that your prospective employer knows that you have a shining and engaging personality that can help you to deal with any situations that you may encounter whilst working as the assistant to the head of HR. It is essential that you ensure that your introduction is as rigorous and well written as it can possibly be because it is the very first thing that any possible employer will see, and you need it to be as eye catching and convincing as possible. Without a strong introduction, that is clear in its purpose and will ensure that your prospective employer is convinced as to your worth to the HR department you are applying for, you will be less likely to get the job you want.