Trait Theory of Management Essay

Keywords: leadership characteristic theory

Leadership can be explained as a process where one individual influences others toward the attainment of group or organizational goals. Three details about the definition of authority should be emphasized. First, command is a social influence process. Control cannot exist with out a leader and a number of followers. Second, control elicits voluntary action on the part of supporters. The voluntary mother nature of compliance separates leadership from other styles of influence predicated on formal expert Studies of control styles are diverse in dynamics and multiple definitions have been offered. However, management style can be defined broadly as the manner and procedure of providing direction, implementing strategies, and motivating people.

Leadership should be recognized from management. Management includes planning, arranging, staffing, directing, and handling, and a administrator is a person who performs these functions. A supervisor has formal power by virtue of his or her position or office. Authority, by contrast, mostly deals with influence. A administrator may or might not exactly be a powerful innovator. A leader's capacity to influence others may be based on a variety of factors apart from his / her formal specialist or position. Pursuing is analysis of the introduction of command studies and theories as time passes is briefly tracked.

TASK 1 (a)


Three main theoretical frameworks have dominated management research at different factors in time. These included the trait strategy (1930s and 1940s), the behavioral procedure (1940s and 1950s), and the contingency or situational way (1960s and 1970s).


The scientific study of leadership began with a focus on the attributes of effective leaders. The basic idea behind characteristic theory was that effective market leaders are delivered, not made, thus the name sometimes put on early versions of this idea, the "great man" theory. Many control studies based on this theoretical platform were conducted in the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. Head trait research reviewed the physical, mental, and sociable characteristics of people. In general, these studies simply looked for significant organizations between individual traits and options of leadership performance. Physical characteristics such as elevation, mental qualities such as brains, and social characteristics such as personality qualities were all themes of empirical research Within an important review of the leadership literature published in 1948, Ralph Stogdill figured the prevailing research hadn't demonstrated the energy of the trait approach. Finally, early on trait research didn't consider the impact of situational variables that might moderate the relationship between leader features and steps of leader performance. Due to the lack of consistent findings linking individual qualities to leadership success, empirical studies of leader traits were essentially empty in the 1950s.

Douglas McGregor's x and y theory:

His Theory X and Theory Y was detailed in The Man Side of Business, posted in 1960.

What is it?

Essentially Theory X and Theory Y explain two opposing views of folks at the job that will effect management style. Managers can be thought to follow either view with their workforce.

Theory X is often said to describe a normal view of path and control.

Theory Y means a more personal directed labor force that takes an interest in the goals of these organisation and integrates some of their own goals into these.

Theory X

Theory X assumes that: -

The person with average skills dislikes work and can avoid it unless straight supervised.

Employees must be coerced, managed and directed to ensure that organisational targets are achieved.

The risk of punishment must exist within an organisation.

In reality people choose to be managed in this way so that they avoid responsibility.

Theory X assumes that folks are relatively unambitious and their excellent driving push is the desire to have security.

Theory Y

Theory Y effectively requires the contrary view.

It assumes that: -

Employees are ambitious, enthusiastic to accept better responsibility and exercise both self-control and route.

Employees will, in the right conditions, work toward organisational targets and that determination will alone be a pay back for so doing.

Employees will exercise their thoughts and creativeness in their careers if given the chance and this gives a chance for greater productivity.

Theory Y assumes that the common human being will, under the right conditions, not only acknowledge responsibility but also seek more.

Lack of ambition and the qualities of Theory X aren't inherent human characteristics but learned in working environments that suffocate or do not promote Theory Y behaviours.


Partially as a result of the disenchantment with the characteristic approach to command that happened by the start of the 1950s, the target of command research shifted from leader attributes to leader actions. The premise of this stream of research was that the actions exhibited by leadersare more important than their physical, mental, or mental traits. Both most well-known behavioural management studies took place at Ohio Status School and the University or college of Michigan in the past due 1940s and 1950s. These studies sparked a huge selection of other authority studies and remain generally cited. The Ohio Condition studies utilized the first choice Behavior Information Questionnaire (LBDQ), administering it to examples of people in the armed forces, manufacturing companies, school administrators, and university student leaders. The final outcome of the Michigan studies was that an employee orientation and standard rather than close guidance yielded better results. Likert eventually developed four "systems" of management predicated on these studies; he advocated System 4 (the participative- group system, that was the most participatory set of leader behaviors) as resulting in the most positive results.


One concept centered largely on the behavioural method of leadership success was the Managerial (or Leadership) Grid, developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. The grid combines "concern for production" with "concern for people" and presents five choice behavioural varieties of leadership. Someone who emphasized neither development was exercising "impoverished management" based on the grid. When a person emphasized concern for individuals and placed little focus on creation, he was conditions a "country-club" manager. Conversely, somebody who emphasized a concern for development but paid little focus on the concerns of subordinates was a "task" director. A person whotried to balance concern for creation and concern for individuals was termed a "middle-of-the-road" administrator. Finally, someone who was able to simultaneously exhibit a high concern for development and a high concern for individuals was doing "team management. " According to the prescriptions of the grid, team management was the best authority approach. The Managerial Grid became a major consulting tool and was the foundation for a considerable amount of leadership trained in the organization world.


Contingency or situational theories of leadership suggest that the organizational or work group context affects the scope to which given leader traits and behaviors will succeed. Contingency theories gained prominence in the later 1960s and 1970s. Four of the more well-known contingency ideas are Fiedler's contingency theory, path-goal theory, the Vroom-Yetton-Jago decision- making model of authority, and the situational command theory. Each of these approaches to management is briefly identified in the paragraphs that follow. Released in 1967, Fiedler's contingency theory was the first to specify how situational factors interact with leader traits and habit to influence management effectiveness. The idea suggests that the "favorability" of the problem determines the effectiveness of taskand person-oriented head behavior. Favorability depends upon (1) the value and trust that supporters have for the leader; (2) the amount to which subordinates' duties can be organized and performance assessed; and (3) the control the leader has over subordinates' rewards. Fiedler's contingency theory has been criticized on both conceptual and methodological grounds You can find five types of head decision-making styles, which are tagged AI, AII, CI, CII, and G. These styles range from strongly autocratic (AI), to firmly democratic (G). According to the theory, the appropriate style depends upon answers to up to eight diagnostic questions, which relate to such contingency factors as the value of decision quality, the composition of the problem, whether subordinates have enough information to produce a quality decision, and the importance of subordinate determination to the decision.


Beginning in the 1970s, lots of leadership ideas emerged that focused on the importance of your leader's charisma to leadership performance. Included through this class of ideas are House's theory of charismatic command, Bass's transformational leadership theory, and Conger and Kanungo's charismatic management theory. These ideas have much in common. They all focus on attempting to describe how market leaders can accomplish outstanding things against the odds, such as turning around a declining company, founding an effective company, or achieving great military success against amazing odds. In comparison, transformational leadership targets developing shared trust, fostering the control skills of others, and setting up goals that exceed the short-term needs of the work group. Bass's transformational control theory recognizes four aspects of effective leadership, such as charisma, motivation, intellectual arousal, and concern.

Tannenbaum and Schmidt's management continuum:

Leadership occurs when a person tries to influence another person's or group's way of behaving - regardless of the cause. Every time a person attempts to influence another person's behavior, this person becomes a potential head, but the person whose behavior is attempted improved becomes a potential recipient (whether this person is the principle, a colleague, a friend, an organization or). Authority style is not about how exactly leaders think they respond but about how precisely their recipients understand the leaders' behavior.

Robert Tannenbaum and Warren H. Schmidt were some of the first to utilize the situational method of leadership. In their proposal, the leader selects from seven possible continuums of command behaviour, depending on the situation and the relations between the leader and the employees, is really as follows:

1. Head allows followers to function within the restrictions defined by a superior.

2. Leader defines limitations; the group is inspired to make decisions.

3. Innovator presents problem. Receives recommendations and makes decision.

4. Leader presents preliminary decisions, which might be changed.

5. Leader presents ideas and promotes questions.

6. Leader provides decisions.

7. Head makes a decision and announces it.

The above things the measurements in the continuums of leadership behaviour constitute:

  • Democratic or relation-based behaviour
  • Authoritarian or task-related behaviour

Task-oriented behavior is often regarded as authoritarian leadership behavior from the viewpoint that the first choice tells the employee 'what must be done' and 'how to do it'. This authority behaviour is based on the view of humanity called Theory X where the head perceives the employees as indie and lazy.

Relation-based leadership behavior is often regarded as democratic leadership behavior from a view of mankind called theory Y where employees add independently and artistically to job performance.

Tannenbaum-Schmidt model has excluded the 'Laissez-faire' command continuum where employees are absolve to do whatever they want. According to Tannenbaum-Schmidt, it isn't a leadership continuum when each worker is absolve to do what he pleases minus the influence of the authority or other employees.

TASK 1: (b)

Trait Theory


  • People are created with inherited traits.
  • Some attributes are particularly suitable for leadership.
  • People who make good leaders possess the right (or sufficient) mixture of qualities.

Contingency theory

Contingency theory is a class of behavioral theory that says that there is no best way to arrange a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead, the perfect plan of action is contingent (based mostly) upon the inner and external situation. Several contingency strategies were developed concurrently in the later 1960s.

They recommended that previous ideas such as Weber's bureaucracy and Taylor's scientific management possessed failed because they neglected that management style and organizational structure were affected by various areas of the surroundings: the contingency factors. There could not be "one best way" for authority or group.

TASK 2: (a)


Analysis of the Company

The SWOT Examination is possibly the most popular tool utilized in tactical planning and organizational problem solving. SWOT reveals the Advantages, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a company. The derivation of the SWOT contraction, nonetheless, is difficult to comprehend. Coyles and Gokey (2002) affirmed that the Harvard Business School scholars were utilizing the idea in the 1960s. On the other hand, Turner (2002) reveals the expansion of the SWOT Analysis perception.


The major durability of Manchester United is their brand awareness, Manchester United is exceptionally recognized globally, of course, if marketed as the national team with international sponsors. This consequently implies that any items that they put in the marketplace, with the team name and emblem will be immediately identified by their lovers which could turn up to a million. Nevertheless, the team requires guaranteeing that they are still focused on what there supporters and the consumers wish for. By reason of having the great fan base, ticket sales is also regarded as durability for Manchester United, as there is certainly a big ready list for goes by for each and every match, and with the new extended area, the income of ticket sales will increase above the coming years.


The major weakness that has been identified based on their website is their products and product variety. It is obvious they have introduced a whole lot of diverse products at numerous different events. There can be an issue though if the followers were consulted in this framework. It appears that MU has created a wide variety of products from jerseys to Credit Cards Another weakness for Manchester United is that currently, the club has been so flourishing, which is now working on such an enormous level, there is a distressing estimation that the club has now lost its roots, which is no longer concerned with the game of basketball, but about proceeds. Unconstructive outlooks such as this can have a unsafe influence on the followers.


The key opportunity for Manchester United at this time is the penetration to the American market. There is an opportunity in the proximate future to structure the coalition with one of the world's most well-off team in athletics, the brand new York Yankees. This will signal enormous products channels in the us, and provide Manchester United the lead over all other Football teams in the American context, delivering their product to a fresh market.


Manchester United is in an exceedingly company site, as they haven't any direct hazards from any players on the market. There's a huge breach attaching Manchester United and the subsequent strongest competition. Nonetheless, there are a number of dangers to Manchester United that should be taken into account. A threat to Manchester United at present is the Change of authority in the teamThe club slid from a posture among the top clubs in the united kingdom in 1970 to a status of mediocrity in 1996. In 1996, Francis Lee, a previous player of the golf club, required over as chairman. He recognized the need for balance and composition.

TASK 2: (b)


Here are a few basic characteristics of a socially successful person that are worth discussing:

Confidence - They screen self-assurance in themselves and efficiently execute the tasks they lead.

Friendliness - They can be friendly to everyone, not to just a go for few, displaying an authentic sense of good care and concern for others.

Appearance - They make sure their hygiene, attire, and proper body movements is always appropriate.

Trustworthy - They could be depended upon both with personal exchanges and with tasks.

Organized - Their organizational skills are second mother nature and displayed in all activities.

Self-control - They take care of themselves well when psychological issues arise.

Acceptance - They stretch love and forgiveness to everyone, even difficult people and the ones that change from them.

Fun - They make life fun.

Space - They value other's personal privacy and options.

It's never too late to boost your communal skills. The first step is to genuinely study yourself and say that you need to boost yourself in lacking areas. Like other things nowadays, there have been many books written about them. I recommend John C. Maxwell's e book entitled "Be considered a People Person. "


This area has to do with connections with others. In theory, individuals who have a high social intelligence have a tendency to be extroverts, seen as a their sensitivity to others' moods, thoughts, temperaments and motivations, and their capacity to cooperate in order to work as part of a group. They speak effectively and empathize easily with others, and could be either market leaders or supporters. They typically learn best by dealing with others and often enjoy discussion and controversy.

Careers that suit those with this cleverness include sales, politicians, managers, teachers and sociable workers.


This area is due to words, spoken or written. People who have high verbal-linguistic intellect display a service with words and dialects. They are usually good at reading, writing, showing testimonies and memorizing words along with times. They have a tendency to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and by discussing and debating about what they have learned. Those with verbal-linguistic intellect learn foreign languages very easily as they may have high verbal storage and recall, and an ability to understand and manipulate syntax and structure.

Careers that suit people that have this intelligence include writers, attorneys, policemen, philosophers, journalists, politicians, poets and educators.


I wish to suggest nine key skills and ideas that, if implemented, would improve your communication skills immediately.

They are:

  • Ask more questions, make fewer statements
  • Be specific, not vague
  • Use the affirmative, not negated language
  • Objective thinking
  • Focus on the future not the past
  • Use pleasure/ pain consequences
  • Distinguish between long term v short term consequence
  • Map out their ideas on paper
  • Protect the self image

TASK 2: (c)


To a huge extent the success and sustained success of any business is dependent upon owners and managers having a combo of command savvy, good judgement based on knowledge and information and an acceptable ability to steer a small business in the right direction.

This need becomes somewhat more important whenever a company is on the verge of broadening.

Therefore, before you commit you to ultimately starting or extending a business, first commit yourself to learning - and in minimum recognizing - the personal management and management skills needed to initiate and maintain profitable company expansion.


  • Choose skilled subordinates
  • Demonstrate high moral standards
  • Exude Charisma
  • Inspire others
  • Take action: When confronted with a crisis, effective leaders don't just be seated around and twiddle their thumbs. They solve the condition themselves or get somebody who can.
  • Understand the charges of leadership
  • Use your creativity to solve problems
  • Wander around frequently
  • Work hard


  • Actively pay attention to customers and workers
  • Attend parties
  • Clarify employee responsibilities
  • Deal with unexcused absences immeadiatly
  • Demand accountability
  • Criticize positively
  • Know how to delegate obligations to trained and qualified people
  • Know how to handle stress
  • Know how to flame employees
  • Make sure each worker has only 1 supervisor
  • Reward appropriate behaviours and results


Manchester is in a very competitive spot at present, nonetheless they require to be cautious that they are not getting self-satisfied and they are focusing on the market, and certain requirements of these clients and fans. By implementing the study into their markets, it will allow them to build up products for the customers, which will lead to suffered support from the fans and success.

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